middle-eastern raw food lifestyle support

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relevant keyords: "raw vegan", "raw food", "middle-east","middle eastern",palestine,israel,hebrew, arabic, rawfood,community,support,lifestyle, natural, health, ann wigmore, herbert shelton, fruits, greens, uncooked, rare, denatured, primitive.
this is the place for support for those who love and appreciate their food natural and fresh.
( as well as ripe, local, varied, colorful, balanaced, plentiful... )
we enjoy being creative and original as we manifest a lifestyle that is healthy and abundant for all.

raw veganism is a choice in a lifestyle that utilizes raw plant based food as nourishment. we share recipes, gather for potlucks and go out on hikes, organize workshops, ask questions, solve problems, develop ideas and receive emotional support for choices that are in such contrast to the deadly civilization around us. most of us speak english and any language is welcome. if you want to receive news and invitations, to respond, to contribute, or to edit this site - send a message to anona [at] tvuna.org with a few lines about yourself and your intentions.